Get to know about Dr. Juliëtte Sterkens.
This website was created by audiologist Dr. Juliëtte Sterkens. She lives in Oshkosh, WI and together with her husband LeRoy "Max" Maxfield she started doing hearing loop installations in 2009 to make the Fox Valley more accessible for her patients. They stopped doing installations in 2012 as their focus switched to hearing loop advocacy and public speaking only. They are happy to answer any questions visitors to the website may have about hearing loops. They are always happy to help YOU advocate for hearing loops in your community.
Dr. Juliëtte Sterkens, moved to Oshkosh from the Netherlands in 1981. She practiced as an audiologist in the Fox Valley from 1983 until 2012. She is a licensed Dutch speech therapist, holds a Master’s degree in audiology from UW-Oshkosh and a professional doctorate in audiology from AT Still University in Arizona.
Dr. Sterkens retired from her Fox Valley Hearing Center practice in 2012 and left the practice in the caring and competent hands of audiologist Dr. Candy McGinnis.
Thanks to grantfunding from the David and Carol Myers Foundation, Dr. Sterkens was named the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) National Hearing Loop Advocate. She currently spend most of her time educating audiology students, professionals and consumers about the benefits of hearing loops for people with hearing loss.
For her efforts Dr. Sterkens has received several awards:
- University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Alumni Association Distinguished Alumni Award 2015
- Arizona School of Health Sciences - Humanitarian of the Year Award 2013
- Academy of Doctors of Audiology - Leo Doerfler Award 2013
- Wisconsin Speech, Language and Audiology Association Audiologist of the Year 2011
- Larry Mauldin Award 2011
- American Academy of Audiology - Presidential Award 2011
- Hearing Loss Association of America - Technology Access Award 2011

What they are saying.
We had a hearing loop installed in our waiting room by Arrow Audio AV Group from Appleton. We now can quickly demonstrate how the loop works and validate telecoil settings. The best part is when we mute the TV; the client continues to hear while the spouse doesn’t hear a thing! Having a loop right in the office has made all the difference.
Peter Zellmer
Owner Haviland Hearing Aids Appleton WI
This dear gentleman, up in his 90s and still working in his family owned clock business, was ALL smiles when he saw me (I was his former audiologist). He reports to be still doing well with the hearing aids I fit some 6+ years ago. Then he tells me that he thinks of me EVERY Sunday while using his hearing aids in the hearing loop at Peace Lutheran in Oshkosh. Wow! That comment made me smile too.
a life-long parishioner at Peace Lutheran Church Oshkosh WI
Juliette: I can't convey in words how I felt this morning in church. I heard every word, no matter where the clergy stood or sat. What a thrill to finally hear a sermon. And it was clear as a bell...no echo, no reverberations. I am so grateful to you. You have given me such a great gift and I am so grateful to you, and God! Sincerely, Barb
Barb Hill
St Thomas Episcopal Church Neenah/Menasha WI
My daughter is lying on my lap right now. We are watching "Cupcake Wars." In our "pre-loop" days, she sat apart from us all, about two feet in front of the TV, so that she could hear better. It's so much better with her on my lap! Thank you for helping to make our world better!
Jill Villnow
Amherst WI
Having the speaker’s presentation going right into your hearing aids improves the quality of what you hear, what you retain and the amount of energy you expend to hear. I didn’t have to be in the first or second row to hear. I didn’t miss 30 or 40 percent of the presentation. I could experience what a normal hearing person could experience.
Rosemary Smith
Founder & CEO
Live with hearing loss? Use hearing aids? You are not alone.
By using a hearing loop, you can hear better. Much better than you ever thought possible.
Million people
living in America.
living in America.
3.8 Million Adults
with hearing loss.
with hearing loss.