Hearing Loops help hearing aid and cochlear implant users hear speech clearly and without background noise
- Easy to Use
- Quality Sound
- Discreet
- Better Hygiene
- Versatile
- Transient Solution
This website is meant to give you the means to hear better with hearing aids you already own. Better hearing than you ever thought possible! Yes, there is hope for most users to hear better in places where sound is broadcast, be it in your TV room, place of worship, theaters or meeting rooms. I dare say, you may hear better in a hearing loop than the normal hearing person sitting next to you! Read the “Testimonials” of other hearing aid users. If this sounds like it could help you, read more on “How to promote hearing loops” or email me. Sign up for the Wisconsin Hearing Loss Association newsletter by clicking here: newsletter. Be sure to explore the Hearing Loss Association of America’s Get in the Hearing Loop (GITHL) toolkit with a plethora of looping resources here!
Welcome to my hearing loop information website
For many, hearing aids, no matter how new the hearing aid or cochlear implant technology, how well they were fitted and how well they work in quiet and intimate situations, do not (and cannot) provide effective assistance when listening from a distance, both in quiet and in noise. This is not the fault of the technology inside the hearing aid – this is due to the physics of sound and often due to the very nature of hearing loss. That is where hearing loops can be of great help. Telecoils are the easiest to use when they are built into the hearing aid or cochlear implant. Some hearing aid companies allow the consumer to retroactively make the hearing aid or cochlear implant hearing loop compatible via a wireless accessory with a built-in telecoil (Starkey, Widex and Cochlear & Resound). Headset loop listeners can also give those without hearing aids access to the hearing loop signals.

church, temple, library or venue more accessible for people with hearing loss
Hearing loop and assistive listening technology
Quality Sound
Better Hygiene
Easy to Use
Want to start a hearing loop initiative in your community?
National links to help you loop your community:

YouTube Videos

What they are saying.
Make your community more hearing (and aging) friendly improve hearing access

Thank you for visiting my website.
I will try to answer any questions you may have
about hearing loops, hearing aids and telecoils and and how to loop your community. You can contact me via jsterkens@hearingloss.org or by clicking the link below.
Dr. Juliëtte Sterkens
News & articles.

Growth is a journey that requires good memories.